Our Vision, Mission and Goals


We envision a world where all, especially refugee children and youth, have access to quality education as a basic human right.


We respond to local partners in Lebanon to empower Palestinian refugees in accessing the education they need and deserve.

By raising public awareness in Canada of the ongoing challenges of Palestinian refugees, primarily in Lebanon, CEPAL also fosters a knowledge exchange between Canadians and Palestinians.


In Lebanon,

  • CEPAL aims to teach school-aged children and youth resident in Palestinian camps, in order to encourage them to continue school and not drop out, particularly during their most challenging and vulnerable early school years.
  • We also aim to contribute to on-line or blended teaching and learning at the camps, in order to sustain on-going partnerships and complement in-country teaching.

In Canada,

  • CEPAL aims to bring forward and amplify Palestinian voices, through public events  to inform and educate Canadians of the situation of refugees in Lebanon.